Subhashit Sukti Sagar
Subhashit Sukti Sagar (Gujarati Language)
This book is also the collection of Sanskrit Subhashits i.e. good sayings of truth and wisdom. They are translated in Gujarati too. These sayings do give us the guidance in all walks of life and to all sorts of people.
Unlike Subhashit Ratna Sagar, in this book, these sayings are classified subject wise like life, time, good person, friend, education, wise person, knowledge, etc.
At the end, Sanskrit proverbs called 'Nyay' are explained. In 'Vidvad Gosthi', some good stories, which give moral by using Subhashits, are given. There are some stories of Bhoj and Kalidas too. Some good collection of Hindi and Gujarati couplets (Dohas) is also given.
Size of the book : 5½" x 8½"
Pages : 360
N. B. Not available