Subhashit Ratna Sagar
Subhashit Ratna Sagar (Gujarati Language)
This book is the collection of Sanskrit Subhashits i.e. good sayings of truth and wisdom. They are translated in Gujarati too. These sayings give us the guidance in all walks of life and to all sorts of people. However, in this book, these sayings are classified human quality wise like character, compassion, penance, etc. There are some definitions of Doctor, Advocate, Teacher, etc. given in this book.
At the end, good collection of Hindi couplets (Dohas) is given. Consolations given by Lord Krishna (Geeta) are also shown. The other attractions are best four sholkas of 'Shakuntal', best four questions asked by Yaksha to Yudhisthir and complete Shuka-Ramba dialogue arguing about enjoyment and upliftment of life.
Size of the book : 5½" x 8½"
Pages : 408
N. B. Not available